Project Introduction

[High-temperature producti司從on equipment]

The ceramic glaze producti時煙on line is to feed glaze raw materia時區ls (potassium feldspar弟船, calcite, calcined soil, air個金 knife soil, zinc ox國光ide, quartz sand, ceramic frit, 中林white corundum, etc.) according to少車 the set formula and convey them 說離to the middle by pneuma

Product Case

The ceramic glaze productio明亮n line is to feed glaze raw爸新 materials (potassium feldspar, cal他少cite, calcined soil, air knif冷水e soil, zinc oxide, quartz sand飛關, ceramic frit, white corundum, etc.) a公用ccording to the set fo吃放rmula and convey the很愛m to the middle by pneuma光線